New Amsterdam Records was formed as a haven for the young New York composers and performers whose music slips through the cracks between genres. Artists include the ‘adventurous cello songstress’ Jody Redhage and the band Build (made up of violin, cello, piano, bass and drums, and led by composer/violinist Matt McBane).
Sarah Kirkland Snider- Penelope NWAM023
Missy Mazzoli/Victoire- Cathedral City NWAM025
Janus- i am not NWAM024
Corey Dargel- Someone Will Take Care of Me- NWAM021

Cantaloupe Music is the record label created in March 2001 by the three founders of New York's legendary Bang on a Can Festival: composers Michael Gordon, David Lang, and Julia Wolfe, and Bang on a Can managing director Kenny Savelson. Cantaloupe Music has made a massive impact in the new music community, and been recognized by critics and fans around the globe for its adventurous sounds. Their goal is to provide a home for "music that slips between the cracks."
David Lang - Child CA-21013
Tristan Perich - 1-Bit Symphony CA-21054
So Percussion/Matmos - Treasure State CA-21065
Evan Ziporyn - Melody Competition CA-21022

Innova recordings (founded in 1982) is the record label of the American Composers Forum. Innova champions work that pushes and challenges the boundaries of contemporary music. From Avant-jazz to Electronic music, to the very latest from the Classical frontlines, innova chronicles music before it hits mainstream ears.
Harry Partch - 11 Intrusions INNOVA561
Judith Shatin - Tower of the Eight Winds INNOVA770
Maya Beiser - Provenance INNOVA778

Established by Gabriel Prokofiev, the grandson of Sergei (yes, THAT Sergei Prokofiev), the label Nonclassical represents Gabriel’s determination to re-engage pop fans with classical music by breaking down the barriers of genre. Each CD of forward-thinking compositions comes with a selection of remixes from electronic producers.
John Matthias and Nick Ryan - Cortical Songs NONCLSS004
Mercury Quartet - Mercury Acoustic NONCLSS009
Gabriel Prokofiev - String Quartet No. 1 with Remixes NONCLSS001
Open up to the alt-classical movement. It might change the way you think about classical music. Just ask Judd Greenstein.
Pro musica,
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