Senin, 10 September 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different

If you're a longtime user of our fabulous Naxos Sheet Music Library, you may have noticed that the site looked a little static. Not bad. Not broken. Just the same as it ever was.

So when - the site we partnered with to power Naxos Sheet Music Library - became the fresh new we decided to go with the wave of change and give the Sheet Music Library a facelift.

Now that you're up to date, let's get to real talk about what's new. From the get-go at you'll immediately see a newly cleaned up, uncluttered interface. New navigation tools on the left-hand side of the screen will give you quick access to genres and instruments, while the bar along the top gives you immediate access to piano, guitar, and vocal music.

So clean and pretty. Can't...look...away...

But as always, we're more than just pretty faces. I don't have much time or space to chat about everything, but my favorite new feature is the ability to print in your browser. No longer will you need to download the Solero Viewer or deal with the Mac Freehand Viewer to get your music (unless you're into that, in which case forget everything I've said). 
Now you'll just find what you need, download, and print it from within your browser window!

Click download to pull your music...

...then print it from your browser!

Library folks, be not afraid. You won't need to update your URLs immediately, for we'll be directing you to the new site automatically. Your login details won't have changed, and your authentication information has been preserved. If you do run afoul of the system in some way, just let us know at

Pro musica,


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